A SHAPE OF TIME - the composer Jo Kondo

In our series of films on contemporary composers we try to develop a formal quality that is corresponding to the music of the respective composer. Although they have different styles, each of them developed his work from quite basic questions - leading to clarity of the artistic attitude.
In our portrait of Alvin Lucier, the pioneer of American experimental music, we follow his motto "Don't ask me what I mean, ask me what I've made". Therefore our film focuses mainly on his works and the spirit of discovering and revealing present in all of them. (NO IDEAS BUT IN THINGS - the composer Alvin Lucier, 2012)
We went on with the German composer Ernstalbrecht Stiebler who is working with slowness and reduction. The continuum of his music is mirrored in the slow pace of a very special boat ride. (ZEILE FÜR ZEILE - Ein Film über den Komponisten Ernstalbrecht Stiebler, 2014)
In 2016 we continued with a portrait of the Japanese composer Jo Kondo and his philosophy of ambiguity and time in music. With formal parallels like low camera angle and shots that invite the spectator to step out of the narration we allude to the works of Japanese filmmaker Yasujiro Ozu (A SHAPE OF TIME - the composer Jo Kondo, 2016).
With our forth film on the Belgian composer Boudewijn Buckinx we introduce a composer whose way of "playing" with tradition may be called "postmodern" - but at the same time it is deeply personal and far from arbitrary. In this film we had the rare chance to include several works in complete length since many of Boudewijn Buckinx' compositions are extremely short.
In our films we bring together our experiences as composer and concert manager (Hauke Harder) and painter and editor (Viola Rusche). We make our films for interested audiences and regardless of the fame of the protagonists we want to share our joy of experiencing and knowing more closely the person and the music.
At the premiere of "To B or To B Flat" somebody told us how happy he was to have met such an interesting artist and charming person whom he otherwise would have never known, not being especially interested in contemporary music. Comments like this we have often heard after our screenings and this encourages us in our attempt to reveal the composers' fundamental attitude and therefore give an insight into artistic work in general.

Viola Rusche & Hauke Harder, 2020